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Monday, March 26, 2012

How to pay Property Tax Online?

31 March nearing a high time to pay tax.Here I am giving you simple steps to pay property tax online for Pune(PMC area)people.

1. Go to link- Pay Propert Tax Online(Pune)
2. You will come across following screen.

3.Now, for details check your Bill,it will have Billing Id something like...O/2/09/00662007 
First letter                              O-Occupier,F-Flat or P-Peth
Second Number/letter            Section Id
Third ID                                 Peth Id
Fourth No.                             Account Number

You can see all property owner details,Payable amount.
Click on the Pay Amount tab and pay the amount.
Thats it...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

First Blog!!

My first blog!! I am a bit(more than a bit :) ) confused what to write?? Lots of things/thoughts going on.
Many things going around troubling us daily like they are part of out routine now.Wake up early in the morning, ready to go for office(in between waiting for garbage collector,maid to come.....Are they coming today? will I be (again) late to the Office...thoughts going on and on.And Allas!! both came on time. I am Happy.
On my daily route I found some construction is going on..At last they are doing something..but to my surprise,the next day I found the work is half way complete or is improper like a zig-zagway (but this is to my view) and for them it is complete.:(  I am cursing to the contractor, super wiser and to whole system.How do they do this? Very irresponsible way of working..
But why are they doing this?? Don't they think they are playing with the other's life.This is very small contract and no doubt here comes the corruption then can't think what is happening to large contracts!!! This system is totally corrupt.Who is behind this? Many people...Can anyone stop this!!We always blame to politicians for this. Are they only behind this? No they are part of this corruption unit or head of this, but we also indirectly the part of this unit.We need to stop this...
Look around..a simple incident. A person given a task to handle a team party for a people of 10-15,budget around 10k.He managed to arrange it nicely,everyone enjoyed it.After the party,just had a discussion with him,unknowingly he told that he arranged the party in Rs. 8500/- Only(i.e he has saved 1500 rs) and he said I earned(??) 1500 Rs.. Now this tendency is rapidly increasing he got 10K he corrupted 1.5k, if any politician,builder or any other person got 10K crore then corruption will be of 1.5K Crore ...if we consider this in same ratio. This attitude need to be changed and we only responsible for this scenario.